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Arkiv 1 Arkiv 2 Arkiv 3 Arkiv 5

Tidligere diskusjoner ble arkivert til Brukerdiskusjon:Laaknor/Arkiv/1 den 03 november 2017.

中文維基語錄機械人除權預告/ Notification of pending suspension of bot permissions due to inactivity from zh.wikiquote

Wong128hk (diskusjonbidrag)


*Your bot has been inactive for years. If there's no reply by one week I'll request the removal of the permissions at Meta.

*Wong128hk (diskusjon) 28. feb. 2018 kl. 12:43 (CET)

Laaknor (diskusjonbidrag)

Please request removal of permissions; the bot will not be active with interwiki again.

Kippenvlees1 (diskusjonbidrag)


Your bot account hasn't made any edits on the Dutch Wikipedia for at least three years. In accordance with the local bot policy the bot flag will be removed in three months. To avoid losing the bot flag, you can confirm you want to retain the bot flag by going to this page.

With kind regards, Kippenvlees1

Laaknor (diskusjonbidrag)

Please remove bot-permission. The bot will not be active with interwiki again.

Svar på «Bot activity on the Dutch Wikipedia»
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